Tuesday, February 08, 2005

(Sunday) VIdeo: The Parent Trap

Ahhh. Hayley Mills. And Hayley Mills! (or as my sister says, Hayley Meeeels) The Parent Trap is an old fav of mine from way back. From back when I didn't even understand all the jokes. Like the entire part about the dad marrying the young lady, and her being after his money. I just thought it was funny when she fell in the lake.

I've been working with a twin this last week, so felt the urge to watch the movie yet again. I feel all cool now that I know to look for the disappearing hand, too! Ah, yes, the disappearing hand. Curious? Let me elucidate the un...elucidated:

In the "Let's Get Together" scene when Hayley is onstage dancing next to Hayley, the Hayley in the black dress is all bee-bopping along to the guitar playing Hayley's bee-boppable guitar playing. As BDH swings her hands side to side, one hand temporarily gets too close to GPH, and it DISAPPEARS! Just for a second, but it is pretty cool.

Also, in the "Camp Fight/Cake All Over" scene towards the beginning, the Hayley with cake all over her face is not ACTUALLY Hayley. It is Susan. No, not Susan as in Susan and Sharon, but Susan as in Susan Henning, the girl playing the back of Susan's and Sharon's heads. Except in the cake scene, of course.

Anyway, I endorse the seeing of this movie. Go. See. Double!

Susan's roommate at camp Inch: The nerve of her! Coming here with your face!
Susan's other roommate: What are you gonna do about it?
Susan Evers: Do? What in heaven's sake can I do, silly?
Susan's other roommate: I'd bite off her nose. Then she wouldn't look like you.


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