Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Video: Can't Hardly Wait

There are many reasons that I like Can't Hardly Wait. None of them have anything to do with Jennifer Love Hewitt, though she does fulfill the role of a self-centered, slightly confused high school who-de-hoo.

I think part of my enamor-ation is Ethan Embry (what ever happened to him?), but also that it is a high school-based movie that actually portrays more than jocks and geeks and beauty queens. It doesn't go into much detail, but it does flesh out the senior class of Huntington High more than most teeny-bopper movies do (along with the jocks, geeks, and beauty queens, you get the druggies, the socially awkward, the play-ahs, the somewhere in betweeners...still all very stereotypical, but you get my drift).

Anyway, it is a good, fluffy, entertaining movie and one that I use (as I did this time) to watch during lunch hours when there is nothing on TV. It gives me two or even three days of entertainment that way!

PLUS! It is the only thing that kid from Hook has done since... well, Hook.

[drunk for the first time in his life]
William: I can't feel my legs, I HAVE NO LEGS!


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