Sunday, January 23, 2005

Video: Pride and Prejudice

This is another movie that would make my list of Top Ten Movies Ever.

I just love Jane Austen things - yes they may be girly-girl, but they're so fantastic. And P&P combines Jane Austen with another of my most favorite things: Colin Firth! Just go to the fifth video (yes, I still have the VHS version - a travesty, I know) and go to the scene where Elizabeth is playing piano at Pemberly and they show a shot of Darcy watching her. I dare you to not fall in love with Colin Firth at that moment. His eyes, and facial expressions just KILL me. Dead. I can't write any more because I'm lying here on the floor dead. Seriously.

Okay, maybe not dead, but you know what I mean.

Something distressing that I just learned: Anna Chancellor, the actress who plays Caroline Bingley (also known as "Duck Face" in Four Weddings and a Funeral) is related to Jane Austen. Shocking, I know. Jane Austen's brother was her great-something grandfather.

I so wish people still talked like they did in Jane Austen novels. It would be excessively diverting.

Mr. Darcy: She is tolerable, I suppose, but not handsome enough to tempt me.


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