Sunday, March 20, 2005

Video: Never Been Kissed

I think this marks the first movie that I've watched twice in the year. I actually don't believe that I made it until mid-March before recycling a movie. Though, looking back, I didn't put this on my list because I had put it on one night as I was falling asleep, and I fell asleep before I was very far into it.

Anyway. Love the movie. It is a great look back at high school and the awful things that can happen to you there... I was right there with all the awkward things, but our school was not so heavy into mean cliques. I feel like I missed out somehow. I won't have Michael Vartan swooping in as Super-Teacher to save me. *sniff* Not that I'll ever be an under-cover reporter going back to high school.

Rob Geller: All you need is for one person to think you're cool, and you're in. Everyone else will be scared to question it.

Video: Evita

I remember seeing Evita in the theater during college. For some reason, it was one of the most memorable theater experiences I ever had. Oh, wait, I remember. It was really snowy, and our friend dropped us off at the wrong part of the mall, and we ended up having to climb a really big, snowy hill. Odd the things we remember.

I also remember devising a plan with one of the friends I saw it with (the fellow hill-climber). We were going to get our third friend (the guy safely in the car, parked safely at the top of the hill) to follow us around playing his saxophone as we went up to random guys and sang the "I'd be surprisingly good for you" song.

We never tried it out, but I think it would have worked...

Eva Peron: But you really should know, I'd be good for you... I'd be surprisingly good for you.

Video: Apocalypse Now

One time, my Dad's cell phone accidentally called my aunt (it was in his pocket). He was watching Apocalypse Now when it happened. She got really worried and kept calling him back. Cause, you know, the movie is about war, so there's all this explosion and stuff in the background.

That was enough to inspire me to add it to my Must See list. The thing that struck me most (and I'm almost embarassed to admit this) is just how much Martin Sheen's children look like him. It is like Charlie Sheen and Emilio Estevez each took half of his looks. I think they both look more like their father than they do like each other.

Back to the movie: I see it included on a lot of "Top Movies Ever" lists. I don't think I'd add it to mine, but it is a good movie. In a disturning way. It is about Vietnam War and a Colonel that has gone crazy and the man whose mission is to find and kill him. I'm glad I saw it, but I probably won't watch it again.

Willard: It's a way we had over here with living with ourselves. We cut 'em in half with a machine gun and give 'em a Band-Aid. It was a lie. And the more I saw them, the more I hated lies.

Theater: Being Julia

Being Julia was only played at the artsy theater here in town. I was excited that it was playing anywhere, though.

I liked it. Good movie. Very funny! Annette Bening was fantastic. She looked a lot like Nicole Kidman. I wish I looked like Nicole Kidman. This is definitely a movie that can be added to the list of movies that teach you: Don't mess with a middle aged woman! A la Fried Green Tomatoes, but with more plotting.

Jimmie Langton: You kissed him as if you were frightened of catching his cold. When you kiss you feel as if your bones are melting inside your body. Tongues that's what it's all about. Tongues!

Video: 13 Going on 30

13 Going On 30 is so cute! No one could act like this in any other type of movie, but Jennifer Garner sure pulls off the 13 year old in an adult's body thing. It is just plain fun.

Young Jenna Rink: I don't want to be beautiful in my own way. I want to look like these people.
Beverly Rink: Oh those aren't people honey, those are models.

Video: Lucas

I remember Lucas from when I was young. For some reason, back then (when I was like 8), I thought that Lucas had a learning disorder. Like he was dumb or something. Turns out he was advanced. Huh. Shows what I know!

Lucas is a 14 year old advanced boy who falls for a 16 year old girl who falls for the captain of the football team who is dating the head cheerleader (who is Courtnet Thorne-Smith). AND it is an 80s movie. Fantastic.

What ever happened to Corey Haim? He was so cute in all these old movies.

Lucas: I guess everybody has their own idea of fun. Some people go to football games. Other people do less superficial things.
Maggie: Look, just because you don't approve of something, doesn't mean other people don't have a right to enjoy it. You're in the band aren't you?
Lucas: Yeah?
Maggie: So?
Lucas: So?
Maggie: So the band goes to football games!
Lucas: We're totally different!
Maggie: Why?
Lucas: Because the band does not have fun there!

Monday, March 07, 2005

Video: The Lost Boys

I'm not really sure what made me add The Lost Boys to my Netflix list. It might have had something to do with the Corey Haim/Corey Feldman pairing. I went to a slumber party once where we watched a Corey/Corey flick (I think it was Dream a Little Dream) and I, being the nerd-book-lover that I was, didn't know who they were. I've felt that short-coming my whole life. Not that I've done all that much to remedie the situation...

But, I'd say The Lost Boys was an okay place to start. This movie stars Corey Haim and Jason Patric as brothers that move to a small California town. They are surprised to discover that their new town (besides having a surprisingly busy boardwalk area) is the "Murder Capital of America" and that there may or may not be vampires.

It's a fun movie, in that fake-scary kind of way. Like a scary movie for people who refuse to watch real scary movies. With enough quirkiness (and TERRIBLE eighties clothes) to make it more enjoyable than threatening. Ooh, but Kiefer Sutherland is at his creepy best.

Sam Emerson: My own brother a goddamn, shit-sucking vampire! Oh, you wait 'til mom finds out buddy.

Video: Bridget Jones's Diary

This movie is one of my most favoritist movies ever. That's all I have to say about that.

Mark Darcy: I like you, very much.
Bridget: Ah, apart from the smoking and the drinking, the vulgar mother and... ah, the verbal diarrhea.
Mark Darcy: No, I like you very much. Just as you are.

Theater: Be Cool

I didn't realize that Be Cool was a kind of sequel to Get Shorty until someone mentioned it to me this morning. It makes the scenes at the beginning, which seemed to be referring to something that I didn't know make a LOT more sense.

Since seeing it, I've heard that it hasn't done too well with the critics. Comparing it to Get Shorty (which I barely remember, except to know that everyone seems to love it), I can see where it may not be as good. But it is fun.

John Travolta, a former mobster who was in the film industry, decides to move into the music industry. He takes on Linda Moon (played by the really dang good - singer anyway - Christina Milian) as his protege and then the action starts!

It's not the best movie, but like I said, it is a lot of fun. Especially with Vince Vaughn as the slimy manager, Raji.

Raji: Stop hatin', start participatin'. Come on, twinkle twinkle, baby, twinkle twinkle. Wanna take a shot at me kid? Do it.