Monday, January 03, 2005

Airplane: Mr. 3000

January 2nd. I didn't really watch Mr. 3000, but it was played in the plane on my way home.

I think I'm glad that I didn't watch it. Hear it, I mean. I did watch some parts of it. For those of you (my kindred spirits) who did not see it, here is a plot outline: Bernie Mac (who is kinda funny, don't get me wrong) plays an aged baseball player who finds out that he was a mere 3 runs shy of hitting 3000. So he decides to go back and hit that number. I don't know why. And there's a lady.

I finished reading my People magazine, and had nothing better to do, so I watched (but didn't listen to) the last ten or so minutes. Mr. 3000 was one run short of hitting his mark. Will he make it? The tension is high. There are all sorts of meaningful looks (not that I knew what they meant). The pitcher throws a ball at his head. (again, I don't know why... I don't think they changed the rules of baseball)

So, as far as I can tell, Mr. 3000 doesn't actually reach 3000. (I'll call him Mr two thousand and ninety nine)

It makes me think of the time in high school when we had to take one of those state-wide competency tests. For the writing one, I was assigned a topic that was something along the lines of "write a true story about a time when you wanted something." I wrote a lovely story about when I was a kid and wanted this particular doll. I went into great detail about her dress, and her hair, and her accessories. I described the deep longing that I had, my burning desire to create a life for this boxed-up doll.

Of course it was totally made up.

Since I made it up, I decided to make up a Christmas, with a box under the tree, exactly the shape, size and heft of the adored and desired doll. And then, when I opened it, it was shoes. Or something along those lines. It was my made up story, and I decided to end it by me not getting my heart's desire.

I snickered all the way home after that. I still snicker when I think of it today.

I think the makers of Mr. 3000 did a lot of snickering. But that's about all I can say about the movie.

I don't have a quote since I dind't actually hear the movie...


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